Tracks: 01 With Shattering Silence
02 Out from the Garden Reminded
03 Unfold Gradient
04 Silver Growing
05 Still Wandering
06 Beautiful Cascade
07 Until the Glowering Space 1
08 Forever Upon the Wave
09 The Gilding Marrow
10 Until the Glowering Space 2
11 By the Unknown Evening 2
12 By the Unknown Evening Revealed by Composed Nature was recorded and mixed between November 1989 and February 1990. All tracks composed, arranged and played by Vidna Obmana, except 'Forever upon the wave' by Vidna Obmana and PBK.
VIDNA OBMANA : Electronics, loops, tapes and acoustic treatments.
PBK : Electronics and tapes.
Original mastering by Marc Burghgraeve in Febuary 1990.
Remastering by Vidna Obmana in November 1993.
'With REVEALED BY COMPOSED NATURE I had the opportunity to explore my first compositional ideas, in the ambient genre, onto record, sequel to my cassetteworks.
Using only the internal sequencers of my instruments, I could manage to create, structure and synchronize short loops in compositions.
The changing of timbres shows the melody towards the end of each composition.
Unfortunately due to the poor quality of the vinil pressing, my intention to offer particular moods was lost.
Hopefully, thanks to this reissue on digital format and the recent remastering from the original cassettemaster, the character and atmosphere of this work is restored.'
Vidna Obmana, November 1993
Revealed by Composed Nature
Trattasi della ristampa su cd della versione già uscita su vinile con l’aggiunta di ulteriori quattro brani sempre risalenti allo stesso periodo. Atmosfere ambient eleganti e magnetiche che vi condurranno aduna sorgente segreta lungo un percorso maestoso.

E' l'unico Lp di Vidna Obmana,edito privatamente in 500 copie con l'originale copertina gatefold e sparito velocemente. La riedizione in Cd della Hic Sunt Leones contiene brani inediti ed e' stata rimasterizzata dallo stesso Dirk Serries. L'album e' molto omogeneo e presenta una spiccata vena melodica; rispetto ai precedenti si evidenziano perfette geometrie compositive ed una maggiore pulizia degli ambienti. Diventano meno importanti i rumori di contorno e la struttura, fortemente elettronica,appare meno casuale delle opere precedenti. La costruzione dei loops assume connotati tecnici notevoli, segno di maturita' per un album di fondamentale importanza nel panorama storico della ambient music. Con PBK.
Gianluigi Gasparetti / DeepListenings autumn 1995