Alio Die is considered one of the precursors of ambient music in Europe His music can be described as a very spacious, experimental ambient, combined with many electro-acoustic elements. This album was recorded at the Kalisz Ambient Festiwal in Poland. A beautiful journey from start to finish. credits released March 28, 2018
All music composed and celebrated
by Stefano Musso. Published by BMI.
Alio Die: Drones and Loops, Zither, Flutes, Rattles and Bells, Shells, Tubes, Voice.
feat. Tomek Pilecki and Mateusz Ciszczoń: Rattles and Bells.
Performed live at 5. Kalisz Ambient Festiwal, Poland, 29 october 2016 organized by Przemysław Rychlik, with Centrum Kultury i Sztuki w Kaliszu.